Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

What is rabies?

It is a disease that can be found in some wild and domestic animals. It is usually transmitted from an animal infected with the sickness, through a bite. The virus multiplies and continues to spread until it reaches the central nervous system. It will then progressively attack the brain and all nearby membranes. Inflammation of the entire brain will follow. An infected dog will display neurological symptoms. This is something that all dog owners should be worried about. The disease and will eventually lead to death if left untreated. Rabies is a problem throughout the world. Though it isn't rampant in some countries, there is always a chance that your pet, and even you, will get infected.

The author of this article, Alex De La Cruz, is a Dog Expert who has been successful for many years. Because most people think that Arthritis is a humans-only disease Alex now informs dog owners with his Ebook on how to discover this disease and let their dogs live as pain-free as possible.

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